In-house Production Company Summary
Dakota P. Productions
Women dedicated to producing films, television programming and stage productions with integrity. As a production company, we have access to and draw upon a high-level expertise in the film and stage performance production industry.
DI actively engages in the development and distribution of films and stage productions, that will be produced from scripts that are purchased by the company.
Once the Home Division "green lights" a production, the company aggressively produces, distributes, and markets the film or television production. DI has already compiled an exciting and diverse roster. DI will earn substantial revenue from worldwide distribution, publishing and licensing fees propelled from the initial theatrical release of its productions coupled with ongoing royalties and merchandising sales. DI owns and control the master copies, publishing, copyrights and licenses of DI’s product Brands. This enables DI to create immediate revenue streams while growing its television and film catalog into a multimillion-dollar asset.
Company Locations and Facilities:
DI will maintain affiliates in Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, Vancouver BC, Canada, London, England. These locations offer:
A close association with the entertainment industry.
Competent and professional film and television production companies and studios.
Proficient, experienced and professional studio and stage personnel and actors.
Marketing and distribution avenues through particularly strong ties to West Coast companies, as well as, the East Coast, and overseas.
A strong group of film production companies and distributors.
Company Ownership
The management team consists of a group of talented and experienced individuals whom are committed to seeing through the success of Dakar Incorporation.
Dakar Inc. is a corporation with more than 25 years of experience in the entertainment industry. Through DI’s expertise, it will be able to bring the business to profitability within its first few years of operations.
Over the years, Dakar Inc. has formed an experienced and award-winning management team. As artists, producers and executives have settled into the company, the projects produced by these individuals have topped Billboard's Charts and earned nominations for both Grammy Awards and Oscar Awards. The innumerable amount of experience maintained in the business and creative sides of stage, television and film production have afforded the company access to operations that will enable Dakar Studios and Dakar Productions to generate profitable revenue.
The veteran team shares a collective vision and continues to bring their unique talents to this venture with unmatched enthusiasm. These individuals serve in both fulltime and part-time capacities. As each project is developed, they all become more eager and anxious to assume a more full-time dedication within their positions.