Commercial “Produced by Advertiser” Rate Sheet
Gold: $300
30 sec commercial produced by advertiser
Logo on Social Media Campaigns
Silver: $250
20 sec commercial produced by advertiser
Base: $200
15 sec commercial produced by advertiser
Base: $150
10 sec commercial produced by advertiser
* ********
Commercial “Produced by FWLM" Rate Sheet
Top of Show: $4000
30 sec commercial produced by FWLM
Single header card top of show
Logo and Mentions on all Television Advertisements
Included on all Radio Advertisements
“Brought To You By” credit
Logo on all Print Advertising
Logo on All Collateral Material
Logo on all Social Media Campaigns
Diamond: $3500
20 sec commercial produced by FWLM
Included on episode’s radio advertisements
Logo on all print advertising media
Logo on all Social Media Campaigns
Logo on All Collateral Material
Platinum: $3000
15 sec commercial produced by FWLM
Included on episode’s radio advertisements
Logo on all print advertising media
Logo on all Social Media Campaigns
Logo on All Collateral Material